Reducing bias is tricky.
You want engagement from a. Mobile users who b. Use headphones c. With their phone, and the type of headphone connection is the end goal.
“How often do you use headphones with your phone, and are they wired/wireless” is clonky, but gets everything out there without too much leading. People more awake than me can help more.
*I use wired $9 shitty earbuds, daily. The Bluetooth ones are nice, but I lose them and the battery life sucks, and it’s a hassle. 11 months ago
You can’t really avoid it in any easy way. If you could, the field of statistics would get a decent amount simpler. The only way to deal with the bias is with a survey pulled from random people, which you can’t really do easily here.
But this one will have a lot of bias, all the same.