Comment on Shoot Me, I Bought Another Printer. A Qidi X-Max 3. 1 year agoI fixed the link for the discord. The x-max 3 in particular has issues with leveling its bed. It generally ships with a bl-touch style sensor, when you run the auto bed-mesh, you will see that it has massive distortions on the bed. This is because the magnets qidi uses are too strong and messes up the bl-touch. Also, it has a hard time cooling the toolhead processors, which leads to the toolhead overheating and stopping your print. Qidi does offer fixes for these issues though.
More odd stuff is that they run a linux service that takes over klippers z offset feature and also runs the screen (there is no video out on the board), the toolhead runs over 24v usb-c. 1 year ago
For what it’s worth, mine appears to have an optical (or possibly capacative – I have not taken it apart yet to thoroughly inspect it) sensor instead. Whatever it is, it is definitely non-contact. The mesh reports a delta of 0.0874mm, with the outlier being a low spot right by the grab tab on the front of the detachable plate. I have a smooth faced plate in the mail, so I’ll be significantly more interested in how flat that one is. The included double sided plate textured plate is kind of ass, to be honest.
I will have to keep an eye on the tool head. I’ve been running the thing pretty much nonstop all day since it’s the New Toy, but I’ve only been printing in PLA so I haven’t closed it up and cooked everything with the chamber heater yet. Maybe that’s when issues will rear their heads.
No idea on the Z offset service. I notice you can adjust the Z offset mid-print from the screen on the machine. Whether or not that’s a good idea is left up to the operator, I guess. Can you do that with stock Klipper? I’ve never messed with a Klipper driven machine before this one. 1 year ago
It looks like they have finally upgraded the printer. Your delta looks rather good. They use to send them with a range on .5 to .8. Qidi were sending out inductive sensors to replace the bl-touch, new magnetic sheet for the bed, and a new fan shroud with additional fans to aid in cooling. Looks like they are getting better.