From a business perspective, this was the stupidest possible investment. There is no way Apple was going to let this fly.
Why would you sink so much money into such a stupid product?
Comment on Apple has seemingly found a way to block Android’s new iMessage app 1 year ago
Who could no one have forseen the most obvious outcome in the world coming?
From a business perspective, this was the stupidest possible investment. There is no way Apple was going to let this fly.
Why would you sink so much money into such a stupid product?
A lot of people seem to live in a delusional bubble where they don’t realize all the shitty things about apple products are by design.
Yep. I wish Beeper had just stuck with the PC and iOS apps.
Back in 1999 MSN messenger had support for chatting with AIM users, it was quickly blocked by AOL and for a while there was a game of cat and mouse between Microsoft and AOL until Microsoft quietly dropped the feature 1 year ago
Saw a few comments in the initial threads about it confidently claiming Apple wouldn’t be able to keep Beeper Mini out since doing so would mess with iOS too.
Super weird to be so sure about that when they obviously didn’t know shit about it. 1 year ago
All they need to do is look for which Apple devices are being used as proxies and blacklist them 1 year ago
Not in this one, iirc they actually reverse engineered and were working off of apple libraries, rather than proxies. 1 year ago
Does it make a difference? They still need to use Apple accounts and spoof real devices (serial numbers, etc, I’m guessing)