There are a few variety of that LED strip, and I use em for all sorts of junk. Just built a big backlight piece for my living room with maybe $80 worth. Look for WS2812 and you’re on your way to multiple varieties using the same chips!
Comment on The process of mass-producing LED Signboards with 3D printers in Korea 1 year ago
This is a great video. Here is my best guess for the process, but I’m not a 100%
- Use weird mouse to make design
- Use a water soluble adhesive so the filament sticks
- Clean up edges with a torch
- Put resin in for stability and UV cure
- Put color resin in for front look and UV cure
- Put really cool LED tape on that I would love to have the source for
- Hang 1 year ago 1 year ago
This stuff is available from Amazon and probably cheaper on Aliexpress. I have a roll of white LEDs with a sticky backing, which is a lot like the stuff used in the video. I also recently ordered this stuff which is a UVA LED with a sticky backing. My plan being to try and pair it with glow in the dark PLA to get a nice glow effect. 1 year ago
That sounds like a cool project. If you feel like sharing pics when you’re done, I’d loved to see them.