Linux is great for those that have the time or inclination to learn swathes of new terminologies and procedures just to achieve the same level of productivity
You obviously haven’t tried Linux for at least ten years. It’s really not like that.
Comment on I wish there were more articles about tech not tech biz 1 year agoMy bugbear is all the Linux circle-jerking. I get that the fediverse has a high nerd-count (I’m one of them), but the “switch to Linux” sentiment is so tedious. Yes, Linux is great for those that have the time or inclination to learn swathes of new terminologies and procedures just to achieve the same level of productivity that the equivalent commercial data-harvesters offer in a more readily-accessible UX, but the vast majority of users simply don’t care.
This old meme couldn’t be less appropriate on Lemmy. Operating systems
Linux is great for those that have the time or inclination to learn swathes of new terminologies and procedures just to achieve the same level of productivity
You obviously haven’t tried Linux for at least ten years. It’s really not like that.
This is the standard response I’ve heard from Linux advocates for the last 20 years.
I know it’s easy to assume off the back of my initial comment that I might not have, but I assure you, my frustrations with Linux are not borne out of inexperience.
I am not a programmer or anything and I’ve been using Zorin full time for a while now after trying it as an experiment. I would go so far as to say it’s on par with Windows or Mac in many (not quite all) respects. Assuming you’re not dependent on some proprietary software the only switching cost these days is… learning to navigate a new system.
Just as an aside, I find it interesting that people using LEMMY of all things for social media would perceive FOSS systems as inferior. I guess that’s a testament to how far along ActivityPub development has come.
I wouldn’t disagree, and I’m not saying FOSS is inferior, I’m just whinging about the Linux evangelising.
There is no perfect OS that can have universal approval. However if I’d I said “Windows is a data-harvesting nightmare” or “Being locked in to Apple ecosystems is constricting and expensive” then I’m sure I’d see the upvote button hammered on Lemmy. But to seemingly question the validity of Linux as a silver bullet for the vast majority of desktop users is borderline heresy.
I won’t dispute that fanboyism is thing, I don’t think many evangelists as it were view Linux as a “silver bullet” just as the most ethical option given the alternatives.
Also, I should add that many view open source software as having the potential to one day be the “silver bullet” in a way commercial software can never be due to it’s structure.
IMO it’s not the “switch to Linux” sentiment itself that’s so tedious, it’s that it’s just so damn oversaturated. It’s like that guy who posted “if buying isn’t ownership then piracy isn’t stealing” like 20 times in one thread the other day. I 100% agree but OMG we get it, kindly stop saying the same damn thing over and over. It’s just annoying that every post even mentioning Microsoft or Google devolves into a sea of privacy complaints and FOSS evangelizing to the point it’s difficult to have any real conversations.
Completely agree, hence the reply to lolcatnip’s comment originally. It’s to be expected I guess, given where we are (as deweydecibel said earlier), but that doesn’t make it less annoying.
I mean you are trying to poke the bear. And you’re pretending that people don’t constantly make recommendations all the fucking time. They do. Everywhere about everything. That’s how marketing and grass roots campaigning works. What I think is more interesting is why you’re doing these two things - is your shame of being nerdy so deep that you prefer to try and shame others for not being ashamed?
is your shame of being nerdy so deep that you prefer to try and shame others for not being ashamed?
This response couldn’t be a more perfect example of what I’m saying. Thank you.
It really isn’t. I’m not supporting or promoting Linux, I’m not discussing the subject matter at all and I have no skin in the game. What occurred to me is why you needed to identify as a nerd and then drop trow and proceed to shit on nerds.
Your response is precisely the reaction I referenced by the edit. Why is it personal? “You don’t understand FOSS” “You clearly don’t use Linux” and now, beautifully, “You’re ashamed of being a nerd”.
Which is it? Are you seeing this complaint constantly, or is it a spicy individual opinion?
I’d probably say my preference to have fewer default knee-jerk recommendations for Linux within various tech posts about other systems isn’t particularly unpopular, if only going by the up/downvote count. Even if it was the other way around, I’d stand by it, however antagonistic you might find my “bravery”. 1 year ago
Since when do people need to take into account if anyone else cares when posting to social media? They’re not content creators who need to take into account what the audience wants.
I get it’s obnoxious sometimes but people are going to sound off about the things they care about.
I genuinely don’t understand why people think this is odd. Think for a second about what the fediverse is and what it represents.
Why are we here? Why are we on the fediverse and not reddit or twitter? They both have move content, more intuitive systems, and more mature (if terrible) UXs. So why are we here?
The fediverse represents the same basic thing as a Linux OS for the average consumer: an escape from corporate controlled, locked down, and increasingly bastardized ecosystems.
Of course it’s popular here. 1 year ago
I mean, this whole post is about what content is preferable in this specific community.