That’s what Alice from Alice in Wonderland did.
Comment on Why do it 1 year ago
Exploring a cave is great, but I sure as fuck wouldn't try crawling down a tiny hole going down at a 70 degree angle. Some spelunkers are straight nuts though, like they get to the end of a cave and say "wow, the wind is whistling through here!" and try expanding small openings with a hammer and chisel or even explosives. I went caving one time in a well known but very long cave, with experienced people, and that was really interesting. When i got back I read my friend's cave incident journal, which details all the rescues and deaths that happened in the last year, and it was... interesting. Shit like "oh, jimmy got stuck, so we had to break his ribs to get him out". Great. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I’m slightly claustrophobic, but it has never impacted my life. Elevator? Fine. Tiny closet? Fine. But a cave where you have to crawl for more than a few seconds? I’d die right there. 1 year ago
Yeah…I’m OK with going my entire life without doing any of that. 1 year ago
We had some interesting times on the one expedition I did. It was fascinating and I would recommend trying it at least once... doesn't have to be dangerous. Even going to Carlsbad Caverns, which is a National Park and while not the real spelunking experience, pretty cool. I went to Wolf Creek Cave in Tennessee. Most of it was just like mountain hiking, but with a ceiling. Questionable parts included crawling in light mud on our hands and knees for 600 feet through an area where the ceiling was about 3 feet high. Also one part, you go through a 'door' and have to drop down ~5 feet onto some rocks... people told me "be sure to go left when you land!!" and wtf was to the right? This giant dark pit of rocks at least 20 feet deep. Okay... then at the very bottom, there was this area with a bunch of trickling water and awesome stalagmites where you could sit on rocks by this weird little stream and ponds. We split up and sat in different rooms... the guy from Kentucky I sat with, who I'd never met before, told me "sometimes when I'm down here... i listen to the water... and it sounds like people talking..." Uh, okay. But anyway it was an amazing experience and profoundly strange... the 'rooms' and 'hallways' are oddly reminiscent of human construction. 1 year ago
“sometimes when I’m down here… i listen to the water… and it sounds like people talking…”
He probably has MES, Musical Ear Syndrome. I got it, it’s really not as scary or weird as it sounds. Basically our brains mistakenly interpret some white noises (running water is a big one) as faint music or voices. But it’s not really a hallucination, because at the same time our brain is aware it isn’t real and it’s just coming from said noise. It can actually be quite pleasant, beaches often sound like a quiet symphony. Only occasionally will I hear voices and mistake it for my girlfriend or something before realizing it. 1 year ago
My brain starts playing the theme to Super Mario Bros when I stay up really late. 1 year ago
This is perfectly normal when you’re alone in a quiet place.