Depends on the setting and timeline. In 2, the Enclave soldiers were wearing basically brand new armor. In 76, it’s only 20 years after the bombs.
In 4, the power armor suits are hundreds of years old.
Comment on The Fallout TV series trailer certainly looks like Fallout, except for that one cyclops 1 year ago
It looks like fallout except it’s too clean. Like, fallout is dirty. Where’s everyone washing up and getting clean clothing?
Depends on the setting and timeline. In 2, the Enclave soldiers were wearing basically brand new armor. In 76, it’s only 20 years after the bombs.
In 4, the power armor suits are hundreds of years old.
Yeah but I mean EVERYONE looks like they stepped out of their homes after a shower and shave with fresh clothing from the dresser. That just doesn’t feel Fallout. Like, in the Last of Us, he characters all looked worn and lived-in-the-world. Sure the stuff was high quality, but it was grimy.
Ah, I see what you mean. Hopefully the “clean” armor and soldier shots are coming from pre war scenes. 1 year ago
I agree. I’m holding out hope that this is well done because I love post-apocalyptic media. The visual style makes me think the show’s tone will be light/campy. 1 year ago
Girl got scared by a tumbleweed. Camp incoming for sure.
I’m holding out hope as well, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it failed for the same reasons Cowboy Bebop’s adaptation failed: campy, tone-deaf, 1-dimensional writing and straying from the source material too much.
But I really hope I’m pleasantly surprised.