Yeah, that conversation is probably unavoidable. Let’s hope for a good answer. (also I heard that maybe I won’t be studying under her, rumors only, but we’ll see. Thanks.
Comment on Real quick question about the "break" 1 year ago
A blanket rule against certain keywords sounds pretty silly to me. Break and continue are useful tools in the right situation. Sounds like it’s her preference that she’s decided to impose on the rest of you.
You could ask her what she expects as an alternative. You could show her code that uses it and ask how she expects you to rewrite it to satisfy her standards. Ask nicely because unfortunately juat being right isn’t enough for some teachers, they have to like you too.
If she has a good answer, then do it that way as long as you’re in her class. If not well… sorry that’s just a terrible teacher. 1 year ago 1 year ago