- Comment on 🎵 🎶 🎵 3 weeks ago:
I read “arise” and now I’m shaking and crying
- Comment on Why do I feel sick every time I go out to eat with my gf? 5 months ago:
unit testing eating?
- Comment on That's a big burger 5 months ago:
If you’re so good at maths, can you tell me how a cord devide the radius? Or something to that extent. I know the chord’s lenght, and the minor segment’s height. Now to modell this I probly need a cylinder and cut the major segment off, but to get the right size I need the r. Don’t I? Am I going insane?
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
then join one!
- Comment on How the fuck do you meet new people? 6 months ago:
I just had a conversation about this, among other things. The thing is: we have no idea. Also I don’t think Reddit-for-nerds (Lemmy) is that great of a place to ask this.
If you do get an answer, act upon it, and it works, please remember me and tell me.
- Comment on What is the actual point of a bra? 7 months ago:
I’m a visual learner btw
- Comment on Why do we have hands? 9 months ago:
Reminded me of Cicada 3301
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 9 months ago:
lol, /) kinda does spell A instead of N. But I get it, it’s creative, nice.
|| N
- Comment on Post your Servernames! 9 months ago:
what does “()/)/)/()” mean?
- Comment on Geography is neat 9 months ago:
Aren’t most swear words have a normal meaning just swearified? Like: poo - shit
- Comment on The miracle of childbirth 9 months ago:
fire fediverse 🔥🔥
I’m sorry, I had to.
- Comment on get rekt 10 months ago:
original pic? please
- Comment on How do you know if you have a Habit? 10 months ago:
My idea is something like showering, or locking your door/car. You can find yourself questioning it: did I wash my X? Did I lock my front door? You did it because it’s a “force of habit”.
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
Cool! Makes sense to me. Honestly, I’ve never done it this way, but it’s so clean. Love it. Thanks.
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
Thanks, I haven’t connected the dots to that (±) sign and this problem.
- Comment on teachings 10 months ago:
Uhm, actually 🤓☝️!
Afaik sqrt only returns positive numbers, but if you’re searching for X you should do more logic, as both -3 and 3 squared is 9, but sqrt(9) is just 3.
If I’m wrong please correct me, caz I don’t really know how to properly write this down in a proof, so I might be wrong here. :p
(ps: I fact checked with wolfram, but I still donno how to split the equation formally) - Comment on How to hide comments that mention a specific word ? (on lemmy of course) 10 months ago:
- Comment on aaaaaa 10 months ago:
I’d like to add to this thread, that I’m omw to school rn. I’m having 3 verbal exams, on 3 random topic (out of 36), from grammar, literature and history. I was gooning on studying for almost 3 weeks now.
And this isn’t even a graduation thing, just a “fuck you” thing.
- Comment on easter is a horrorshow 10 months ago:
Much better!
- Comment on Schrödingers cat 11 months ago:
- Comment on Schrödingers cat 11 months ago:
ngl, I just call it “glass” and “reflection”
- Comment on Huh 11 months ago:
Kind of a clickbait title
“In March, GPT-4 correctly identified the number 17077 as a prime number in 97.6% of the cases. Surprisingly, just three months later, this accuracy plunged dramatically to a mere 2.4%. Conversely, the GPT-3.5 model showed contrasting results. The March version only managed to answer the same question correctly 7.4% of the time, while the June version exhibited a remarkable improvement, achieving an 86.8% accuracy rate.”
- Comment on Indeed it is. 1 year ago:
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
Instead of responding to whatever this AI esque auto generated thing is, I’m just going to say: rule 14.
- Comment on Why does Microsoft want me to upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11? 1 year ago:
ngl you come off very toxic. You asked a question that you know 100% the answer to. You made sure with strong words to kill all meaningful solutions to your problem. And responded to this guy pointing out the flaw in your ideology very aggressively.
- Comment on Indeed it is. 1 year ago:
How can I hug someone if that someone doesn’t exist?
A “hug” without “u” as in the other person? What am I hugging? The Air?
- Comment on Is Antivirus needed in 2024? 1 year ago:
- for Bitdefender. It autobooted into a safe mode when a virus was executed, and removed it automatically (For a friend). It also has a bunch of qol features. Deleting a file unrecoverably. Looking at internet traffic to suspicious ips. I also didn’t really pay for it, so tell me if you need tips on getting it.
- Comment on how can I develop a thick skin? 1 year ago:
Alright, I think I get it now. Thanks. I didn’t really consider the long term consequences. As it’s still alien for me, but reading your story I’m thankful.
I remember being bullied in 1st grade as well. But I also remember that after a while I just didn’t care what they were saying, and they stopped. I guess I wasn’t fun to mess with anymore. This led to me joining the “cool kids”. And in my social circle we also know that bullying is bad, but I also see the side where kids who get bullied did something to get bullied. In elementary I remeber two kids, who we hated.
With person A; I was very good friends with A. Soon I learned that I was his only friend. But the extrovert I am, I tryied meeting new ppl from class. (This was like 2nd grade, idk why I remember this well). And this mf started acting out. I remember clearly that he dragged me out of a circle where I was talking, led me to the other side of the classroom. And had nothing to say, just wanted us to be alone. I honestly just told him that it was wierd and went back. Instead of joining in the circle or just talking to me when I’m not with other ppl, he dragged me away again. To say nothing, he did this like every day. It’s not like I ditched him, we were still playing and talking almost the same, he just didn’t let me talk to any other kids. When I did anyways he got upset. After like a half or full year of this it started getting really annoying, and I started telling him strongly to stop. He didn’t. So he became disliked and bullied. Even now I have no idea what his deal was, even if he’s gay, this ain’t the way. And just to note, we were good friends, went to each others’ place almost every week. I’m really sorry for him.
Person B; 5th grade. The same friendship story, but with my friend. B and by friend went way back. But when B joined our group of friends, he wanted to impress everyone. But he really didn’t have anything to stand out. We kinda liked the guy, so it wasn’t like he needed to be special, but he wanted to be anyways. This led him to lie. He lied about everything, what games he playes, what cool things he owns, what skills he can do. And it always cought up with him. For a solid year we were telling him to just stop lying about everything, and asked why he was doing it. That got nowhere, “I’m not” was the answer. And he kept lying about everything. We couldn’t trust him at all, with anything. So we stopped talking with him. Made fun of him when his lies was so obvious it was embarassing. Still didn’t stop. He got bullied too.
These are my bullying stories, from the other side. Thankfully at highschool we ain’t bullying noone. Someone still left school because of it tho. Different story, 99% sure she was schizo.
If I were more educated or know what I know today. I might have guessed something like A is just gay. Or B has attension problems. But it’s not like you can teach these concepts to a group of 2nd and 5th graders. Or expect them to know for that matter. So while I understand what you’re saying. Thank you again for the stories. It’s very alien to me, and I’d wanted to share why. I hope you’re doing OK, and I also hope the mentioned ppl are doing fine too. I’d just like to note again, that I liked both kids, they did something that they shouldn’t have. For a long period of time. Didn’t stop when warned. And I lost friendships.
- Comment on how can I develop a thick skin? 1 year ago:
sounds very niche, but makes sense if your in that niche. Like if my leg hurts I go to the doctor, but if I’m unmotivated I go to a therapist.? But if I have something severe like a broken bone I also go to the doctor (well ER, but you get it), while if I have depression I go to a therapist. But it’s not like depression is easy to fix. Most of the time it’s not “my friends all have gfs while I don’t”, but more “My dad beats and yells at me”. How can talking solve that? Does it help with coping?
I’m sorry if my comment is offensive, but I also have no idea what therapists do, so…
- Comment on how can I develop a thick skin? 1 year ago:
I might be missing the point, yeah. I don’t know anyone who might be struggling with depression thankfully. But in return I have no idea how ppl cure it. I heard stories about extreamly bad scenarios ppl are stuck in. And I honestly have no idea what to do in their boots. But it’s also not like talking can solve parental abuse and or drinking parents (the particular story I heard).