Comment on Extruder clicking 1 year ago
Like others are saying, probably a clogged nozzle. However, I want to say I just went through this myself and it was not a clogged nozzle. At temperature, I could put light pressure on the filament with my hand and it would come out smoothly, no clog. It can also be that your nozzle is too close to the print bed. In my case, it would do this even when suspended in the air, so that was not the issue.
I upgraded to a metal extruder, and no longer have this issue.
Despite what everyone says, sometimes parts are the problem. 1 year ago
You might have had a bad stepper motor on the extruder. I recently went through this whole issue and after trying all the usual suspects, determined that a bunch of filament flakes/dust had found its way into the extruder stepper which would cause it to lock up intermittently. 1 year ago
I’m still using the same stepper motor, but that was next on my list had replacing the extruder not solved the issue.