Comment on Cyberpunk 2077 is "no place for happy endings", says the writer of Judy Alvarez storyline 1 year ago
Its the same problem that i have with quests in souls games. If every possible choice always ends in tragedy then theres no point, no emotional impact. It just gets predictable.
The article reads like its trying to hide behind this idea that cyberpunk 2077 is akin to noir films. Yet the story they told is barely noir, and not all noirs end poorly. In my opinion, the game would have benefited a lot if they had opened themselves up to a variety of themes, instead of reiterating the same “accept death” message over and over. 1 year ago
That’s what cyberpunk is as a genra. And what the game tells from about all it’s means. 1 year ago
Its been a moment, but didnt Neuromancer’s Case survive and Molly go on to do more crimes? They didnt get together, but thats hardly bad.
Nueromancer basically started the genre. 1 year ago
Well, likewise CP77 star ending is quite good and hopeful.