Cool. I have seen wild turkeys do this and in a crosswalk. It is really cool.
I have not seen them using the button to request the “walking man” yet.
Comment on Corvids... 1 year ago
I once saw a crow look both ways before walking across the street and I thought “Wow. What a dumbass, he could just fly over it and not have to worry about cars.”
Cool. I have seen wild turkeys do this and in a crosswalk. It is really cool.
I have not seen them using the button to request the “walking man” yet.
Do you think they might use the button sooner if the symbol was a walking turkey?
Only one way to know.
Birds are too powerful to need a beg button
is savings energy
😂😂😂😂 1 year ago
I once saw a human look both ways before walking across the street and I thought “Wow. What a dumbass, he could just walk a mile to the unterpass and not have to worry about cars.”