Comment on Ethernet is Still Going Strong After 50 Years 1 year ago- Running fibre really isn’t as complicated as you make it out to be. The only problem is that you can’t do any 90° turns, so just running it along the walls isn’t possible. And the fact that the lasers each cost about 30€ for your standard 10G connection isn’t really helping either.
And I really would like to see the job where running fiber gets you $200/hrs, i would switvh to there on the spot. The most complicated part is splicing 2 cables together and that isn’t all too hard with the right tools and machines.
- The article isn’t talking about cables at all, but rather the ethernet protocol that is used as a standard for data transfer for a long time now. It has nothing to do with the debat over fiber vs. copper. 1 year ago
Maybe I’m missing something but shouldn’t something like this armoured fibre be fine to run inside your walls?