1 year ago
Love everyone else just making up bullshit (just like their mentor lol) to get to the hot springs with Shadow meanwhile Delta just says what everyone else been thinking.
I still love the girls also never even considering that Shadow is just bullshitting everything, however I don’t want to to go on forever. I think the Story could get some serious value out of untangling the entire farce at the end. Making either Shadow/Cid realize he wasn’t just acting and this shit was serious and/or the girls realize that he did the entire thing by the seat of his pants. 1 year ago
I think if Cid finds out things are real and/or the girls find out he made it all up, that is pretty much the end of the series (in this comedy-filled form). That is the secret sauce that makes the balance between comedy/serious work. Take away that ingredient and the whole thing just becomes serious. I personally think the serious story that is happening unbeknownst to Cid in Eminence is actually a really good dark fantasy story. So, if the comedy were removed through the loss of Cid’s ignorance, it might still be a good story, but it would be dramatically different in tone. 1 year ago
I just think it’d be a good idea for a closing arc, opens up more options for the final chapters 1 year ago
It would certainly be interesting. I can imagine it would play out really differently depending on who found out first (Cid finding out it’s real vs. the girls finding out he has been acting).