Comment on Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools 1 year agoI never talked about common core itself. I said many students take classes beyond what is covered in common core because they already have learnt the content long before graduating. 1 year ago
… I literally quoted you. 1 year ago
You quoted me saying that people took courses beyond what is covered in common core. You said I didn’t understand educational standards, but I never made a claim about the content of common core other than AP and IB courses cover more specialized topics than what are in common core. And that is simply true. If you disagree actually articulate it rather than saying, “No, you don’t understand but I won’t elaborate” 1 year ago
Yes because this is impossible. Standards re the roadmap by which curricula are built. This is sort of like saying “I’m not made of atoms, I’m made of amino acids.”
AP and IB cover standards more deeply, but the standards are the same. 1 year ago
In the field I work in I read a lot standards, have contributed to a couple, very minor changes though. A standard how I perceive it and I think many others is a number of clearly defined conditions that something must meet to be compliant with the standards. Something can usually fulfill more than what is prescribed in the standard, that is going beyond the standard while still complying with it. I haven’t read Common Core, you’re right on that, but I can read a summary of what is taught in different topics to comply with it, and those things I was taught long before graduating.
And this is where I disagree, looking at summaries of what is prescribed in common core, much of what I was taught is never mentioned. Of course it’s not precluded, but an elementary school math standard doesn’t preclude teaching calculus- but calculus is beyond the standard.
An insult doesn’t need to be, “you’re dumb”. Think about it like this, if you were telling your friend a story about how you personally witnessed someone do something ridiculous and you’re friend insisted that no one would do that so you are clearly wrong- would you feel insulted?