It’s amazing, sometimes the complaint is that Disco is written like an action movie, and sometimes it’s that it’s written like a drama where the characters are overly emotional. I’m impressed that the writers have managed to create Schrodinger’s televisions show, where it’s in a quantum state of being whatever the person complaining about it needs it to be so long as they’re able to drive a narrative of it being bad.
Comment on Crystals good, fungus bad 1 year ago
I thought the issue with Discovery was that it was written like a schlocky action movie and the crew are constantly at each other’s throats 1 year ago 1 year ago
Schlocky action is a matter of opinion but the crew at each others throats thing is pure nonsense. That happened in the first two episodes. From then on there were occasional disagreements but that’s sort of expected. Constantly? That’s pushing it beyond it’s breaking point. 1 year ago
Here we have an example of the discovery crew going at each other’s throats. This poor Emperor just wants to rule and her second in command is always going after her. This is from season 3. Also I’m just being a smartass to tease Stamets.
Image 1 year ago
You have no idea how easily you just activated the “Fuck you just say, bitch?” response deep within me.