Opening theme replaced with The Eagle’s “Journey Of The Sorcerer,” confusing some British sci-fi fans.
The Klingons do an admirable version of Iron Horse’s Pickin’ On Modest Mouse.
tlqlI’-- nongqu’! / bogh nIjtaH mIllogh chenmoH’mo.
ghoplI’ bIrlaw’ / puS torDu’ bIr puS QemjIq’Daq Saq.
HurDaq, SIStaH, SudmoH ‘ej wov / bIrmo’ wovmoHwI’ tlhapqa’ maSvo’.
puv ron qa’Hom SoHvetlh / qawTah maH mohpu’ cha’ qa’meH wej. 1 year ago
I think the truck nuts go below the rear shuttle bay. Mudflaps go on the nacelles.