Comment on YSK: All social and cultural groups are diverse and hold people of many different views 1 year ago
I feel like a lot of Americans get some odd sense about how shitty the rest of the world is, based on the self selection bias of those who immigrate here. That’s something I have noticed. 1 year ago
Yeah, that’s another thing. Especially common among “exiled Cubans”/Cuban immigrants, who all seem to talk shit about Cuba and support conservative anti-Cuba organizations - well duh, if they had liked it in their home country, they would not be in the US today.
It’s a selection bias. It reminds me of the times transphobes started picking apart transfeminine subreddits detailing how much misogyny, hentai, sexualization and typically male socialization things like hardcore gaming, programming, fringe ideologies and “edgy dank memes” were common there and that it supposedly shows that trans women are only really men. Well, duh, you’re on Reddit! Probably the most male dominated mainstream social media site! It’s not a trans thing, it’s a Reddit thing, and by just looking at Reddit, you are just looking at a subset of people who were socialized male and stay in those socialization spots. If they went looking for transfeminine people on more traditionally feminine-dominated social media sites like Tumblr or Instagram, they would find a completely different group of people who might look at the Reddit community with animosity. It’s like looking at women on 4chan for women’s issues. 1 year ago
There’s a 4chan für Frauenprobleme?