Their whaling fleet is a cover for his late night snacks. As near apex predators they have the highest concentration of radiation from Fukushima Daichi. Kinda like DDT and bald eagles.
But luckily we have Gojiro which is a natural sink for radiation 🥳👌🏽✨
He drinks water and fuses the hydrogen into helium. This needs some deuterium to start off, which is why godzillas only occur in nuclear testing sites. 11 months ago
Does he eat nuclear energy? Or does he like chow down on some humpbacks every day?
Is Godzilla the real reason the Japanese whaling fleet won’t stop? 11 months ago
Their whaling fleet is a cover for his late night snacks. As near apex predators they have the highest concentration of radiation from Fukushima Daichi. Kinda like DDT and bald eagles.
But luckily we have Gojiro which is a natural sink for radiation 🥳👌🏽✨ 11 months ago
He does neutrosynthesis kinda like plants do photosynthesis but different. 11 months ago
He drinks water and fuses the hydrogen into helium. This needs some deuterium to start off, which is why godzillas only occur in nuclear testing sites.