Comment on Though Bat'leths are way cooler than guns. ⁨7⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I've never liked Bat'leths. They're bad. They make zero sense as a weapon.

Wielded in both hands, it have all the reach of a large knife, but none of the maneuverability.

You can kind of use a Bat'leth one-handed, but it's clumsy and not at all balanced. It makes for wild swings that are more likely to hurt you or your friends than the enemy.

You can sort of block with them, if the opponent is going to make an overhead chop. That looks cool on screen, but if the warrior with a Bat'leth was facing a warrior with a simple sword and shield, the warrior with the Bat'leth would fucking die.

It's just a bad weapon, and looks like it was made to impress mall ninjas.
