For a brief few weeks when I was a teenager we were somehow getting that channel for free on cable and I was convincing my parents I needed VHS cassettes to record Dragon Ball z. Then one day my brother called them to see about getting some stupid wrestling PPV and I guess they realized we had more channels then we were supposed to and turned it off like the next day. I was so pissed off. 1 year ago
Yep. If we wanted to see boobs, we had to hope they were visible through this.
Image 1 year ago
Let’s be honest, we all know the even if you barely saw a scrambled boob, that was more than enough back in the days of early cable tv. 🤣 1 year ago
For a brief few weeks when I was a teenager we were somehow getting that channel for free on cable and I was convincing my parents I needed VHS cassettes to record Dragon Ball z. Then one day my brother called them to see about getting some stupid wrestling PPV and I guess they realized we had more channels then we were supposed to and turned it off like the next day. I was so pissed off. 1 year ago
I’m pretty sure if you pause it just right, you can almost imagine seeing a nipple!