Comment on What's an easy way to remove metadata from a .mp4 file? [Windows 10] 1 year ago
Use FFmpeg. You can copy only the audio and video channels (and subtitles) without anything else using a command like:
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -map_metadata -1 -c:v copy -c:a copy OUTPUT.mp4 1 year ago
I’ve downloaded FFmepg in the past, but I’m too dull and non-techy to understand it. I’m bound to royally fuck up anything in command prompt. Is there a setting I can use in Windows to allow me to remove the metadata by right clicking like I can with documents or images? 1 year ago
You can try installing Handbrake, it’s basically a user interface to make using FFmpeg easier. As far as removing all the metadata with a click, I’m not aware of anything that does that.
Honestly though, I think this is a simple enough case that you could figure it out even if you’re non-techy. The basic steps would be:
After setting it up, you can just put any .mp4 into the same folder, rename it INPUT.mp4, and run your .bat file by double-clicking it. It should create a new file called OUTPUT.mp4 in the same folder with all of the metadata removed. 1 year ago
Hi, Thank you so much for your help, but when I double click the .bat file, it just opens it inside Notepad++
I made sure to select “all files” and use the .bat extension, but no dice.
Any idea why?
Here’s what my folder looks like with the mp4 renamed “INPUT.mp4”
Here’s what my .bat document looks like
I’m lost… 1 year ago
Sorry for the late reply, but it looks like somehow Notepad++ got set as the default program to open .bat files. Right click the .bat file, choose “open with”, and you should get an option to open it with command line / cmd. 1 year ago
I’ll try this, thanks! It’s really surprising though that you can’t just delete the metadata like you can with a normal file. Is there something unusual about mp4 format that disallows this? 1 year ago
I think it’s just that software to edit video streams is inherently more complicated than editing images. Although the metadata shouldn’t be encoded into the streams, so maybe it’s just a case of no one has gotten around to making such a program yet.