Comment on Amazon made $1 billion through secret price raising algorithm -US FTC 1 year ago
I remember an article ages ago that showed that Amazon, undoubtedly a monopoly, was on the right side of the law because of the "consumer welfare standard".
This was back when they were in growth mode and still unprofitable, but it seems obvious with this and their now record profits that they no longer pass that test. Time to break it up. 1 year ago
That’s exactly why I don’t understand people defending Steam just because right now they are only using their monopoly against the developers but not against the users. One day that will change and move will have seen it coming.
Same with Google abusing YouTube creators for years but only now when they start pushing against adblock people look for alternatives.
Too many people are just lazy and complicit 1 year ago
Valve isn’t publicly traded company, so Gaben is a BDFL.
Who knows what happens after him. But sure, if there is any other game provider with comparable service, nobody will complain.
It’s just there aren’t any 1 year ago
You’re completely right. People suck steams dick are ridiculously hypocritical and blond.
I was mocked for defending Epic trying to compete withs steam. They’re doing great work for Devs and gamers. But sadly, blind gamers (who claim they hate monopolys) aren’t self aware enough to see the trees through the forest. 1 year ago
You’re right. It’s good they’re competing. But to say they’re doing a good job for gamers? The thing is horrible (atm) :
I hate steam’s monopoly. Truly. But at least they’re offering a solid framework.
Epic, just like gog galaxy, had an initially cool start and then… Nothing. All the years and they’re still as horrible as bad then. No effort. I can understand gog, but not epic.