Off the top of my head
This tenant is predisposed to cancer (or other medical issues), which means an increased likelihood of them getting stuck with massive medical bills and financial hardship so they would have a harder time paying rent on time, better Jack up their rent so I can get my money’s worth out of them while I still can or just deny their application altogether
This tenant appears to be part black, Jewish, or some other ethnicity I don’t like, better find a reason to jack up their rent or kick them out 1 year ago
he’d feed it and a number of other factors into an opaque, completely unaccountable AI that makes rental decisions for him without disclosing the factors that went into the decision and with no appeals process.
Imagine if housing operated like reddit bans. 1 year ago
So much of the future just looks like fancy new ways to make machines legitimize and carry out our racism for us.