Yet, many European governments don’t trust Chinese tech companies at all.
Comment on Google app being flagged as a virus by Huawei phones 1 year agoI’d trust Huawei, being employee owned[1][2], more than an American corporation.
[2] 1 year ago 1 year ago
Hahahah and their phones are crap. I used to have one and it had a fake camera and after I activated it my debit card info was used by a scammer. Never had that happen before. And the crappy battery became a spicy pillow very fast. 1 year ago
Huawei Smartphones collect a lot of data from their users and send it to Huawei[1], and the founder of Huawei has very strong relations to the Chinese government[2].
[1] “On the data privacy practices of Android OEMs”
[2] “Ren Zhengfei […] is the founder and CEO of Huawei Technologies […]. He is a member of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).”
A company being employee owned is a very good sign, but mainly for worker treatment. Huawei is still not managed by all of its employees; a few people in upper management are tasked to represent the owners interest, and in that process, as per usual, morals get diluted.
You can see this by the facts that Huawei phones still violate user privacy by collecting copious amounts of data on them, or that Huawei knowingly supplies surveillance equipment to the CCP, that is used in areas where a lot of Uyghurs live and in the not-concentration-camps that reeducate Uyghurs .
Besides that, I also just came across “Huawei states it is an employee-owned company, but this remains a point of dispute” on their wikipedia article, which at a cursory look appears to have some good points against that statement behind it.
The paper about that is here
So at every path we come to the same conclusion, the CCP will get your data, and about as much of it as google (and probably the US government) if you used their operating system and services.
Huawei is about as trustworthy as your average trillion dollar corporation, and about as devious with their whitewashing as all others too. Google is masquerading as pro-privacy, apple as pro-repair and pro-environment, and Huawei as pro-worker and state-independent, because they all aren’t but would profit if they where perceived to be