Comment on Could we use AI to update 4:3 media to 16:9? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Funny anecdote about aspect ratios: sometimes TV shows were put out on DVD in a wider aspect than originally aired. This can cause some issues from time to time…

One of my favorite shows, Stargate SG-1, has a particularly funny scene where two characters walk by a small alcove for a doorway while walking through a ship, and a third character, Sam, pops up behind them as a Hologram to help them out.

In the wide dvd shot, you can clearly see her crouched, hiding in the doorway, waiting to pop out behind the camera operator. The original 4:3, you can’t see into the alcove as the camera passes.

There are a few other things here and there that are mostly just actors reacting to various things (or rather, NOT reacting in most cases) but that’s the one that stands out most.
