Comment on Roots of Mother Appalachia 1 year ago
And that is the scientific reason the Appalachians are haunted as hell.
Comment on Roots of Mother Appalachia 1 year ago
And that is the scientific reason the Appalachians are haunted as hell. 1 year ago
We worship the Old Gods in them there hills. 1 year ago
Was thinking of this pod while reading the post. So good 1 year ago
As someone who reads much more than listens to podcasts, I’ve wanted to get into this series for years now, but it feels like I never have enough time, especially as I’m not sure my wife would be onboard with the idea of an audio serial.
Then again, it is spooky season, so now’s the time to pitch it, I guess. Any suggestions for diving in for a podcast novice who has a negligible commute and small kids at home? My kids are not sheltered but any stretch, but are probably too young for eldritch horror. 1 year ago
Headphones. Listen while you do dishes or other chores, or while taking a walk at lunchtime. 1 year ago
While working or taking a walk during lunch might be the best option. I like the idea of listening while I do chores, but I almost always have the kids give with me when I’m working around the house, and they’re too young yet for me to be able to put on headphones.
Plus, as much as is love to get into this series, I love the time I get to spend blasting music throughout the house and having dance parties while we tidy up, so I don’t really want to give that up. IMHO, there’s nothing better than the feeling when your kids request one of your favorite records by name