- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
Agreed, in my experience Tubi and Pluto both have very reasonable length, good quality ads. I declined to re-up on YouTube TV for NCAA football season this year specifically because I can stand their ads. At that price tier, they honestly expect me to sit through My Pillow ads??
- Comment on Went up my attic because I was hearing some random sounds at night, and came across these beams pulling off nails? Is this normal, or should I do something about this? (Pics in body) 1 year ago:
Oh man, there’s a name I haven’t heard in almost two decades. Back in the day when I was home shopping in Ohio, I had the misfortune of witnessing multiple Arbor Homes with basement floor joists 22" on center instead of 16. Funny how many of them had the identical hole in the first story floor in the identical spot right at the bottom of the stairs leading to the second story.
- Comment on Scientists Unveil Radical Plan to Drill Into a Volcano For Near-Unlimited Energy 1 year ago:
This is not something I had ever thought about before and I am also fascinated.
- Comment on ‘Don’t Mess With Us’: WebMD Parent Company Demands Return to Office in Bizarre Video 1 year ago:
Just did. Won our vote Wednesday night 💪
- Comment on Are MRNA vaccines any riskier than other vaccines? 1 year ago:
This Podcast Will Kill You
They did a whole series on Covid including the history of development of vaccines
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
They didn’t get genetic raw data of anyone beyond the 14K, they got family relationship information. Which is an option you can turn on or off, if you want. It’s very clear that you’re exposing yourself to other people if you choose to see who you’re related to. It doesn’t expose raw data and it doesn’t instantly expose names, just how they’re related to you. (And most of the “relations” are 3rd to 5th cousins, aka strangers.)
Hackers used the genetic ancestry data of the 14K hacked users and their “relatives” connections to deduce large families of Ashkenazi Jews.
- Comment on All in the Memery 1 year ago:
Lmao, I’m your age and literally inhaled a bag of Werther’s while I had Covid because Paxlovid tastes so bad. And I’m about to buy a cane for those days when it would be very helpful to make my invisible disability more visible to all those people trying to rush around me in the grocery store.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
Select the “available for local pickup” option to weed out all the trash. Even if you’re buying to be shipped.
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video will start showing ads on January 29th unless you pay extra for ad-free 1 year ago:
Use Amazon as a search engine, find what you need, then Google the manufacturer and buy it directly from them. You’d be surprised how many have free shipping . It’s usually not two day shipping, but what do you really need that fast?
If it’s electronics, buy online for local pickup at Best Buy. If it’s tools or house supplies, buy online for local pickup at Lowe’s or Home Depot. Buy online for local pickup at Target.
I haven’t purchased anything from Amazon in 4 years. It’s honestly way easier now than it was before Amazon started, but no one realizes that because Amazon got them locked in.
- Comment on Merry Christmas 1 year ago:
Your facts don’t support your conclusion, kiddo.
- Comment on Merry Christmas 1 year ago:
We’re all saying that you’re up-playing it. It’s not that hard to understand.
Here, let me help you:
- Comment on Substack says it will not remove or demonetize Nazi content 1 year ago:
In real life, a restaurant can and will kick you out and ban you from the premises for wearing a swastika and saying you think minorities don’t deserve to live.
Ergo, being kicked off a company’s privately owned server for hate speech is EXACTLY the same amount of freedom they would have in real life.
- Comment on I should be celebrating turning 40 1 year ago:
I completely disagree with the sentiment here. My 40s have been great because they marked the point in my life when I finally lost my last fuck to give.
The freedom that provides is worth not being able to drink the way I used to in my 30s.
- Comment on Star Trek Technobabble | Elle Cordova 1 year ago:
Ok this is great though
- Comment on Netflix Resumes Advertising on X After Elon Musk Controversy 1 year ago:
It’s almost like people in the United States have the freedom to express their opinions on a matter. Imagine that!
- Comment on Challenge accepted 1 year ago:
Why are there so many Mexicos?? The Mexicos are multiplying, you guys. We’re about to be overrun.
- Comment on Can videogames trigger a heart attack? 1 year ago:
Hmm, “current went missing” isn’t a phrase I’m used to hearing. I wonder if the cardiogram was indicating some level of heart block (often not a dangerous condition, just something to monitor).
With the high fibrinogen, they’re probably concerned about clotting. I wonder, did they check a blood test called d-dimer by chance?
I’m glad you’ll be seeing a doctor soon. We have a lot of good treatments for cardiac conditions these days.
- Comment on Can videogames trigger a heart attack? 1 year ago:
May I ask you about the nature of your heart problems exactly?
Because a “heart attack” is not actually a medical thing. What people usually mean when they say “heart attack” is what we call a myocardial infarction (lack of blood flow to the heart muscle caused by a blockage or constriction in a coronary artery.) And less commonly people use the term “heart attack” to refer to cardiac arrest where the heart just stops beating for some reason. (Myocardial infarction can turn into cardiac arrest, but cardiac arrest can happen because of any number of other things as well.)
So do you have a confirmed occlusion of a coronary artery? Or do you have a diagnosed cardiac arrhythmia of some kind? What are they planning to do to treat you? Because “don’t get excited” isn’t a long term management strategy. It’s usually just to get you through until you find a successful treatment.
- Comment on Risks of CPR 1 year ago:
Dark healthcare provider humor incoming: When considering these kinds of questions regarding CPR, we actually say, “Well, they ain’t getting any deader.”
CPR actually reverses death. That’s why it only works sometimes and only if provided in a very short window of time after you’ve died. Nothing that is done during CPR is going to make that worse. So yeah, the reality is that it’s a little bit of a controlled free-for-all. It’s called “heroic measures” for a reason.
- Comment on The key to eternal life and never dying is to stay in the living room. Don't leave the living room. 1 year ago:
Bathroom? Going out Elvis style
- Comment on YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" 1 year ago:
Physical therapists have definitely taught me reparative exercises that I would never in a million years thought of on my own. PT is a god damned miracle drug.
- Comment on Too Damn High... 1 year ago:
Sodium response is a lot more complicated than that, and a more accurate metric is probably dietary sodium:potassium ratio.
- Comment on 'Your Turn': United Auto Workers Launches Campaign to Unionize Tesla 1 year ago:
Favorable terms with no means of legal leverage are just wisps of air. They can and will be rescinded at the earliest convenience of the corporation, which is literally why we’re in the current situation we are today. The strongest middle class in the US existed when unions were at their peak. That is not a coincidence.
A formal, legal union gives employees power and leverage to enforce the favorable terms that they negotiate with an employer. You can argue that unions as organizations can be subject to similar corruption as any other organization, but contrary to popular propaganda, there is nothing inherent in the existence of a union that requires or lends itself to corruption any more than any other power structure.
Employees are legally permitted to organize a formal, legal union of their own outside the existing union organizations, but then they’re starting from scratch. Existing unions have been through negotiations, have experienced lawyers, know the process and all of its pitfalls. The vast majority of workers are better off joining an existing union because of this.
- Comment on Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf 1 year ago:
What makes a state a state is being ratified by a majority in Congress. I’m not sure you understand how this works. You don’t just get to make a new state because people vote for it.
"Is West Virginia Constitutional?
On the creation of new states, the Constitution is pretty clear. Article IV, Section 3, reads that “no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State … without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”
- Comment on Actual real political cartoon. Just... wtf 1 year ago:
I’m all for people staying safe and taking care of themselves, but the problem is moving makes the entire situation worse. Concentrating ourselves into small geographic areas inside cities is what allowed them to gerrymander the shit out of things and get the minority political party locked into outsized political influence.
Every blue voter that leaves a rural area makes the divide worse. So I praise those who are brave enough to stay.
- Comment on Bending the Prime Directive again 1 year ago:
TNG photo bombing a team of Martian Marines from The Expanse. We’re doing Expanse crossovers now.
(I highly recommend watching The Expanse. It’s great.)
- Comment on It's true. 1 year ago:
I chose a deeper cut Expanse reference, but in truth I’m Avasarala in public, Naomi in my heart
- Comment on Cope 1 year ago:
Stamets, I’m so sorry. I hadn’t heard. I’ve lost people under bad circumstances. It’s not fair. The world should stop, everything should stop moving and everyone should stop what they’re doing and acknowledge the depth of this person’s loss. But it doesn’t stop moving and that’s not fucking right and it’s not fucking fair.
Please do whatever you need to do to take care of yourself. Just do what’s next. Your only obligation in the world right now is to wake up and breathe. Everything else is bonus points. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready or even if you never want to talk to any of us again.
I’m so sorry that a good person is gone.
- Comment on 1 year ago:
The original r/196 subreddit had a rule that if you visited the sub, you were required to post a meme before you left. A lot of people tried to follow the rule, but weren’t able to come up with a good post title on such short notice, and started just naming their post after that rule. After some time it became a meme in and of itself to include the word “rule” in your post title somehow
- Comment on Lemmy disproves the stereotype that Germans lack a sense of humor 1 year ago:
We have a frequent flyer patient at our hospital who has aphasia, a brain condition which causes nonsense words to come out instead of what the person was intending to say.
We have a NO idea what this person is saying, but his tone of voice and delivery are completely normal even though the content of the words are meaningless. So I can confirm, this guy cracks jokes and is hilarious (he laughs at his own jokes and you can’t help but laugh with him.)
The German memes feel similar. I don’t understand the words, but the intent is clear enough for me to enjoy seeing them.