Telegram is incredibly aware of Hamas's channels and still doesn't feel like doing anything about it:
Telegram is incredibly aware of Hamas's channels and still doesn't feel like doing anything about it: 1 year ago
And if Hamas is violating their TOS while using the service, then they should do something about it. In the same way that Google blocks what scammers it can find who are using google voice numbers to scam people. But what you are suggesting isn’t that they take action against people or organisations that are violating the TOS or using the service to break the law.
You are suggesting they essentially listen in on every conversation or message sent on the service to find people breaking the law or violating the TOS. That’s not the same thing. 1 year ago
I'm not suggesting that!
They don't need to listen to private chats to see what Hamas is doing, it's open, it's public, they're not being subtle, and Pavel Durov himself has publicly commented on it. He just doesn't give a fuck. 1 year ago
Explain that? How is it public? 1 year ago
Did you read the article? Do you know what broadcast channels are?