Comment on [HELP] PrusaSlicer & Klipper (mainsail) ERROR: Move exceeds max extrusion | SV06 1 year ago
Move exceeds maximum extrusion (1.531mm^2 vs 1.440mm^2)
This was solved by reinstalling slicer (Cura in that case) for one guy on the internet.
So maybe just install cura and try 1 year ago
I’m not really looking to change slicers at this point. I’ve used Cura in the past and have landed on PrusaSlicer for a variety of reasons and would like to get it working properly again ideally. 1 year ago
Thats cool, but installing cura takes few mins and it might prove that you have a slicer issue. I just thought its easier to install cura instead of reinstalling prusaslicer