Comment on Which one's right? 1 year ago
The prime directive is why the federation/ vulcans haven’t reached out to us. For Stargate, we just buried the gate and for whatever reason rah didn’t use a spaceship to re-enslave us. 1 year ago
The Asgard where why the Goa’ul didn’t show up with a spaceship.
Besides the prime directive wouldn’t apply to a planet that was under the rule of a starfaring civilization, so the federation would definitely step in too. 1 year ago
I think they mean in the BC years. Earth was not an Asgard protected planet at that time.
The humans revolted and buried the gate, and the Goa’uld never returned.
Never mind the fact that the buried gate was one that the Goa’uld brought to Earth in the first place (they either didn’t know about the one in Antarctica or couldn’t bother to retrieve it). 1 year ago
The Prime Directive still applies to space-saving civilizations, its why they didn't directly interfere in the Klingon Civil war. 1 year ago
Ah, the Lempel–Ziv Empire 1 year ago
Blast you auto carrot!