Regarding device longevity, Android 13 apparently supports / will support full KVM emulation. Windows can be run if you have root while android based VMs are expected to be possible without the need for root. Since this type of virtualization allows VMs to run their own kernel, keeping the “server app” updated should allow the user to be protected even if the host OS is outdated as long as these server-app-VMs are trustworthy themselves
Guess you missed this:
Having virtualization doesn’t ensure future success. 1 year ago
@Wander @selfhosted digging into the updates or running linux instead of android that other comments are mentioning feels like missing the point a bit.
the accessibility that this would provide could easily surmount the hurdle that prevents most from being able to get off big central services. self hosting, or even any alternative that doesn't hold your hand 100% of the way (cough, mastodon) is beyond most people.
even if it's wrapped up nicely and not precisely long term, it would do a lot for the learned helplessness that big tech trains and to bridge that accessibility gap. even if the typical end user doesn't get that involved, it could be an easy way in to understand how you might manage your own data.
not like it's much less safe having a limited security patch lifespan than (insert big company data breach here) :vlpn_happy_blep: 1 year ago
@leggylav @selfhosted OMG, yes, thank you <3
I finally feel understood now :vlpn_cry: 1 year ago
@Wander @selfhosted more folks need to read this
it's kinda easy to overlook this in techy circles. it's why web 2.0 was able to reach most of the world, and why the old ways of building your site / hosting your services from scratch will always be limited in reach. most people just.. don't even know that's an option, never mind have the background to know where to begin.
unless you want to tell everyone to stop using the internet (fat chance), or continue to support the centralized corpo hellscape, we need easy ways for people to spin up their own digital infrastructure, and build platforms for themselves without a profit driven middleman.
sorry, this is a bit of a personal crusade to me, i love this idea :ms_awoo: