So you spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating and testing a new drug to cure something. Then another company can come along and undercut you since they didn’t spend the upfront money. And now you go bankrupt? How is that fair? I’m not saying Big Pharma isn’t an issue but as always, the solution is somewhere in the middle. 1 year ago
It’s fair because it helps people
Medicine is a service 1 year ago
Then there will be no new medicines, companies will not be able to afford to pay the scientists. 1 year ago
Guess they’d be stuck on relying on research grants and finding cheaper ways to combat diseases 1 year ago
No, they would just keep everything trade secret and we’d have no idea how to replicate the medicine. 1 year ago
That would not be true if the government funded things.
I really wish we didn’t let Capitalism control vital to our living services.