Are you new to the internet? Every website, every single one of them, costs money to maintain and keep running. If you don’t pay to keep it online, someone else has to. Ads are a way for everyone to contribute a super small amount to keep the thing you’re on, online. When one or two people block them, it’s not a big issue. When most people do, it becomes one.
How do you pay to keep the servers up when most users are free booting? What do you do about high traffic when most of it isn’t paying for the servers you need to keep it running smoothly?
It’s the fucking apex of entitlement to think you should be able to slink through every website without paying a cent either through your data, your attention, or your wallet. You’re on lemmy, you should have a basic understanding of how shit works and it baffles me you don’t. Maybe we’re just finally getting normies with how big the site is growing. 1 year ago
Come on man, I’ve been on the internet since the beginning. Back in the day I paid $10 to join the Something Awful forums. We used to host our own game servers, back when games would let you. We rented our own Ventrilo server for over a decade.
There are ways to pay for things besides making the user experience godawful. 1 year ago
Then you’ve been there. You’ve seen what I’ve seen. The banner ads, the pop-ups, the sound-on ads that you can’t find because your browser won’t tell you what tab it’s on. The user experience of just ten years ago was so abhorrent that today, even having the ability to go fully dark on ads is a heaven we take for granted. It comes at a cost to companies that need that revenue.
I’m not throating Youtube for the sake of it, but what are their options? What advertisement company is going to pay decent for a streamlined ad you can ignore? When you ‘skip ad’ I believe it doesn’t even count as a ‘served ad’ so they pay nothing on those. I’m genuinely asking - what ways are there to pay for the behemoth Youtube has become beyond the methods available?