Comment on Spotify re-invented the radio 1 year agoWhen I first started with Premium, you could toggle shuffle mode on or off before hitting the play button. But then that went away and there was basically only a Shuffle button, so you had to do the sequence like here (from 2022)…/play-spotify-album-in-order.html
but at first you didn’t have to do this bit
Step 4. Open the “Now Playing” page and turn off the “Shuffle” button.
And I think at that time the forums were saying it was only the Android app where you had to do this (and I want to say that desktop/web app were indeed not putting me through these shenanigans at that time, was a probably 4-5 years ago, maybe more). And then when I further had to start doing that 4th step of disabling shuffle in the now playing screen I had just had enough and cancelled.
Other posts from 2023 seem to indicate this is now the standard UX on all platforms…/spotify-play-album-in-order.html 1 year ago 1 year ago
Thanks. I’m genuinely curious about the UX that @StorminNorman has now. Premium users deserve a better experience. 1 year ago
Not storming but I’ve never had a problem either. Here’s the screen I get when I open a playlist, can toggle between shuffle, smart shuffle and normal to the left of the play button.
Does yours look different?
my Spotify playlist screen 1 year ago
Thanks! Glad to see they are no longer being complete idiots about it. I haven’t looked at it since cancelling, but yeah it was very different. They had completely removed the control to enable or disable shuffle from this view, if you hit the play button it was going to shuffle, period. If you hit a track to start playback (in shuffle mode) on that track you had to then go to the now playing view and disable shuffle.