These days, entrepreneur just means unemployed.
Comment on Google has sent internet into ‘spiral of decline’, claims DeepMind co-founder 1 year ago
‘entrepreneur’ lacks the positive vibe it used to bring. like saying ‘visionary’ or ‘genius’. overuse has tipped these terms into ‘yeah right’ and ‘clickbait’ especially when appearing in headlines. blame google for aggregating clickbait headlines but they aren’t writing them. interesting that hosting this is packed full with ‘clickbait’. designed with LCD appeal and low value content like this story 1 year ago 1 year ago
And why do you think they are written in this manner? Does it have something to do with ads? Praytell, who owns the ad platform as well as search?
Pretty balsy to blame the writers, they are simply chasing the algorithm Google makes. In the end, Google does really control it all. So if you wanna be mad at someone, I’d say start with the one forcing everyone to do this. 1 year ago
why can’t bing and ddg take more market share. simply poor algorithm design or is one actually better. G haters unite! 1 year ago
Because they both pull the same censorship so there’s no discernable difference where it matters?