Comment on Not even the ghost of obsolescence can coerce users onto Windows 11 ⁨8⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I don’t even understand why Windows 11 exists. I thought Windows 10 was meant to be the last version and then it was continually upgraded. They never add any particularly good new features, so I’m happy with security updates and staying behind a few months on feature updates to avoid being a beta tester.

Oh, and Windows 11 removed the ability to put the taskbar on the left or right, and I would have thought that perhaps teams of engineers and designers paid 100k+ in a trillion dollar company would be able to make that a reality, regardless of whether or not it’s only 1% of users (millions of people) that use that feature. I heard the right click menus have been fucked up by some idiot as well, and the sad thing is they probably spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to make them that way, after many many depressing meetings and someone had to task it all out in Azure, whilst gradually losing the will to live, just to eventually make an already existent feature worse. Nice job Microsoft.

I’m happy to wait until Windows 11 is at least at feature parity with Windows 10 and thoroughly tested before I “upgrade”. I suspect some things got better, but it isn’t worth it.
