It’s really not a problem. We have both open source and proprietary solutions for generative AI. If you have the hardware for it, you can generate images locally for free. If you don’t, just use one of the many available services.
It’s literally giving the power of expression to almost everyone, including artists.
Also let’s not talk about jobs/money. Technology replacing jobs isn’t something new and that’s what humanity should strive toward. 1 year ago
the printing press decreased the speed of publication by a larger margin (months yo hours for a big book like the bible) and aguably kicked off a century of incredibly bloody warfare with luther and then the counter reformation.
I dont see how being able to get a decent image of Marx with tits from a few mins of generating images is so much more dangerous. 1 year ago
You still needed writers to come up with a new material for printing press. It only increased distribution of existing material.
Which isn’t case with machine generated text and images. You can get any hateful or depraved output within minutes. 1 year ago
That was exactly the point the church made against the printing press, without newding scribes anyone could cone up with whatever foul heresy they liked and publish it for distribution.
The chief difference between now and then is what we consider unpermissable. Otherwise the agrument is the same, we cannot trust people to publish whatever they like or terrible things will happen.