Comment on [I just watched] Spider-Man - Across the Spider-Verse ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

The animation and visuals were amazing no question. But I feel like I’m getting old because my eyes couldn’t keep up at times with how spastic and jerky the scenes were. A lot of scenes were so quick that you couldn’t even appreciate the beauty and technicality of the shot because it was literally a split second. Other times so much was happening I couldn’t concentrate on the scene, like the first fight scenes with the Spot where it was difficult to see how exactly they were fighting.

I don’t remember feeling the same way with the first one. No issues whatsoever with everything else other than the weird sound mix that drowned out the dialogue. I agree that it’s definitely an excellent film.

Maybe I just need to rewatch it earlier in the day when my eyes aren’t tired from work yet.
