Comment on Why cyclists should NOT get the same fines as motorists | Car Culture 6 - Motonormativity 1 year ago
He hasn’t really convinced me that cyclists shouldn’t be fined for breaking the law the same as drivers. He has however convinced me that the speed limit on that bridge is laughably too low. 1 year ago
Yeah the video didn’t really focus as much on that point as it probably should have to earn its title. It made a few points in that regard, but the focus was more on that specific speed limit.
But I would ask, very simply: why should the punishment be the same? That’s really the most relevant way of framing it, because that’s the positive claim being made, and you can’t really prove a negative other than to suggest that there’s no evidence in favour of the positive. (I can’t prove “there’s no yeti”, but I can say “well there’s no evidence on which to justify believing in a yeti.”) It shouldn’t be on cycling advocates to justify why the punishment should be less, but on the car-brained to explain why they should be the same.
So why should the punishment be the same? The risk is drastically less, as evidenced by the crash rates and crash severity. So what is it? 1 year ago
For the same reason we don’t fine drivers $10 for driving like idiots. If cyclists can ride around town with no regard for safety and the law, because the worst they’ll face is a $10 fine, then why should they be safe riders? 1 year ago
That’s the car brain talking. It’s not a cogent explanation.
Why, when cyclists factually do not cause anywhere near the same level of harm as drivers, should the fine be the same? 1 year ago
It’s nothing to do with that. It’s about lack of consequences. A $10 fine is no deterrent at all for obeying the law. For any road user. 1 year ago
Because riding around unsafely is a good way to end up in the back of an ambulance.
It’s not about the $, it’s about the survivability of an accident. 1 year ago
Sitting here, that sounds like a reasonable argument. Yet experience shows us that people are idiots. They go around with the mentality of ‘It will never happen to me.’
Have a look at this on the ABC today. Specifically the bit about the lack of road rules in the late 60’s:
There you are - evidence that laws about road safety save lives. That’s no statistical outlier. Road deaths plummeted after the introduction of safety laws. Yes, they have reduced even further in the past 20 years with the introduction of better vehicle safety features, but that doesn’t come close to explaining all of it.
I know we’re not literally talking about removing the laws for cyclists. Yet, my argument remains: If the fines for cyclists are negligible, they will be disregarded. They may as well be removed. 1 year ago
Is it? Vic Roads claims you are up to 10x more likely to be killed if you travel by bicycle vs car. And it would make sense to me that you’re more likely to be killed if you ride fast.
Certainly all of my own bicycle crashes have involved speed - I’ve never suffered any injury at all, not even a bruise, when I was riding slowly.
But anyway, I generally reject your assertion that the punishment should be matched to the level of risk. For me the punishment should be set at whatever level is necessary to encourage the majority of riders to ride safely. And it’s not up to the police to determine what speed is “safe”. That determination is up to the town planning contractors who set the speed limit on the bridge.
If it was a slap on the wrist fine, everyone would ignore the speed limit. That doesn’t seem right to me at all. 1 year ago
Yes, that’s caused by the cars. It’s a different conversation.
We’re talking about the risk to pedestrians caused by cars versus cyclists.