Comment on Martin Scorsese urges filmmakers to fight comic book movie culture: ‘We’ve got to save cinema’

<- View Parent ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Let me explain this to you like the 4 year old that you are:

Because acting all “out-of-touch academic in the ivory tower” (your words, not mine) thats a so damn typical fascist move, that has been caricatured in multiple movies, that I cant help point it out

That is anti-intellectualism.

They’re telling you lies about how scientists and academics think and act to convince you not to listen to them when they tell you they’re wrong.

They’re telling you you’re wrong on everything from the climate crisis to how the political system works to what movies and media are for because they study the world for decades and therefore know more about how they work than you do.

You could have learned everything they did and more if you actually grew up, humbled yourself and listened to them, but instead you chose to be a selfish, indolent, immature dipshit.

You chose to let your feelings get hurt by people who told you you are wrong and instead of re-examining your thought processes and behavior, you chose to blame everybody else, especially the academics who

And the movie industry saw that, and exploited you by forcing writers to put arguments between characters in their scripts that let characters who think like you win the arguments. To let you get back at those meanie academics who only told you the truth and make them feel the emotional pain you feel. To let you win.

And they raked in billions of your dollars, and all of you saw those types of characters win movie after movie, and began to believe what they had to say was true.

So you didn’t listen to academics who warned you that Donald Trump was a fascist.

You didn’t listen to academics who told you burning fossil fuels was going to destroy the planet.

You didn’t listen to academics when they told you society is getting ready to collapse.

And guess what the fuck happened? Donald Trump made off with our fucking nuclear secrets, the climate has reached 1.5C warming and has started to trigger climate feedback loops, and we’re about to have a fucking civil war.

So thanks, you selfish, immature, indolent, spoiled little brat.

You destroyed our country because you can’t see that the way you view the world and approach problems is the problem, and you likely will never face responsibility for it until you are forced to, if that.

Until you change, my judgement of you will not, and as long as you whine about it instead of thinking about what Martin Scorsese is telling you, it will be justified.
