But you want a local base station, else there’s no local control. You want to use local-only networks like z-wave, zigbee, Thread, Bluetooth, etc, even though they require a base station because that’s what gives you a local-only way of controlling things.
Matter promises a base station may no longer be necessary for smart devices to control each other, but it is rolling out very slowly
Kolanaki@yiffit.net 1 year ago
The base stations are what uses the cloud/AI shit. The setup I have doesn’t even require an Internet connection. Why in the hell would I want a base station that costs money, is controlled by Amazon or Google, and requires an Internet connection for my local shit?
I don’t want a piece of hardware that does nothing but act like a fucking middleman for no good reason.
AA5B@lemmy.world 1 year ago
I’m a huge fan of Home Assistant. You might look into it
foggenbooty@lemmy.world 1 year ago
That is not necessarily true. Some base stations use the internet, yes, but not all. For example a Philips hue does not require internet access, nor does Lutron Caseta. As the other person posted, Home Assistant is the absolute best (IMO) way to do everything locally without the internet.
Your system, while it might work for you, does not scale well due to the limited range and reliability of Bluetooth. You’d likely be better off to adopt a more robust protocol like Z-wave, or ZigBee and get a hub that you have full control over.