Not weird, happened to me too.
I think my brain got bored of it and moved on. Plenty more to do than attempt to answer the unanswerable question!
Comment on WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE 1 year ago
Is it weird that I’ve become less existencial with age? Like back in school I struggled with suicidal thoughts and couldn’t cope with the “meaninglessness” of it all. But honestly these days I’m content just living how I like to and enjoying the simple things
Not weird, happened to me too.
I think my brain got bored of it and moved on. Plenty more to do than attempt to answer the unanswerable question! 1 year ago
Maybe? I never really grew out of it, my brain just realized that emotions don’t solve problems and stopped bothering me about it all the time. Though, my fears are more along the lines of forcefully being prevented from dying, rather than the alternative. Still get the chills whenever I imagine having dementia and not being allowed to kill myself.
I’m not suicidal anymore, but still. There are things I’d rather choose the forever-sleep than experience.