I’ve got a Pebble and an original recipe Vivoactive. They’re both workin’ perfectly fine, battery lasts about 5 days because I have the GPS, schedule/alarms, and messaging enabled.
Once the pebble battery becomes a spicy pillow, I’ll replace it. I swim, shower, everything with these watches. They’ve both been through hell and back, and I think there’s a small scuff on one of them, at most.
from_the_black_lagoon@lemmy.world 1 year ago
not OP but I still don’t understand instead of turning your wrist, just pulling out your phone for the same if not better features
FinalRemix@lemmy.world 1 year ago
So, I teach. Having a text just go “zzt” on my wrist, I can check the sender at a glance, and if it’s important, check the phone. Same with calls. Otherwise I can dismiss it and check later.
I also have my watches set up with reminders for things lile “10 mins left to class” that silently buzzes in my wrist so I know to wrap up, and both track my movement and sleep. Fun bits of data for myself, to see if I’m sleeping poorly or being as lazy as I think I am one day.
They’re useful when a phone would be too many features or too much noise.