It’s becoming the standard to just pay the ransom. Many large companies have a cybersecurity insurance policy anyways. Plus on the hackers side, they have a reputation to maintain. If word gets out that a specific group isn’t decrypting after payment, they will be less likely to get paid in the future. 1 year ago
This isn’t a crypto locker hack though where you can verify pretty immediately if they’re going to keep their word by them decrypting your data.
In this case the hackers actually physically have the data and are threatening to make it public if you don’t pay.
There’s no way to verify that they will never release it once you pay them. They could just sit on it for years after getting paid and then come back and say pay up again or they’ll release it. 1 year ago
Which is kinda what’s happening now!
And this is why you don’t negotiate with terrorists.