Comment on Issues with my second resin print ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I started resin printing a couple months ago. I had some of those layer problems too. I found that I need way more supports than I thought I needed at the beginning. This is a pretty good guide on supoorts. Alternately Ive been using lychee slicer’s auto supports. They seem to work well for the most part.

I also just recently did some exposure tests. It takes a while because each test is about 20 minutes but it turns out I was under exposing my prints so things are better now.

Lastly I replaced the usb stick the printer came with. I highly recommend doing this right away, a bad stick can do weird things. I got two 64gb Kingston data travellers for $10 Canadian. It’s well worth it.

Haven’t had the layer issues since I did these things and, fingers crossed, I haven’t had a failed print since either.
