Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

I also had a career in tech. I’m a woman. I’ve been stepped on, harassed, disrespected. I’m just a country girl who tried to fit in the big city. And I did for awhile. But then all the layoffs, and the last company I was at just keeled over from insufficient funding, while the ceos had a ton of money and we had all these luncheons and outside training weekends. So wasteful. Disillusioned, I didn’t want to go back.

I also wanted a farm. If you’re young and strong still, do it. I’m 60 now. We were unable to obtain that farm. I guess it was meant to be. I still hope for a super mini something - some chickens and a coupla goats or a mini cow or something. You get tired after 60 and try to downsize and reduce what you do to just what’s important.

Regarding no electricity etc - be realistic and balanced. Don’t make it hard on yourself. Go get your farm in the country, but do yourself and family a favor and have a proper bathroom, running water and electricity with internet. Nobody really likes pooping in those compost toilets or having to hand pump a well for water or garden 😀 and while you may think it’s okay if you’re strong and young believe me in 20 years which goes by fast you’ll be wanting decent plumbing and electric and will likely be grateful for some internet.
