- Comment on Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has replaced the Hide Desktop icon with Copilot. 1 year ago:
Thanks. My win11 install is coming up. Looks like I may need this. Bookmarked
- Comment on Journalist says he finds it ‘surreal’ to have account on X suspended after writing critique of platform 1 year ago:
Yeah what did he expect. It’s not a people’s platform anymore. It’s the owner’s. Better he be off and do his own thing elsewhere. Find better fields!
- Comment on They have a strong psychic connection 1 year ago:
Oh no hahahaa
- Comment on Google admits it's making YouTube worse for ad block users 1 year ago:
I use Vivaldi. I’ve been getting the ads mostly. I have to open YouTube in a private window and view from there. Do you have Unblock with scripts? My scripts only worked for awhile. The built in adblocking is just not working for me.
- Comment on Wil looks like he's already mentally planning their life together 1 year ago:
Ha did your brain start counting by your age? Mine does that. Oh that was 60 years ago. Wait no it wasn’t…then I start counting … Not sure whether to 😂 or 😭 it’s boggling.
- Comment on One month after experimental pig heart transplant, doctors say they see no signs of rejection or infection 1 year ago:
Ew that’s kind of messed up, isn’t it?
- Comment on Everyone's favorite show from the 90s 1 year ago:
We all shared together the passing of Rene Aubergenois and Aron Rosenberg on Twitter. Too bad the Twitter mess dispersed everyone across platforms.
- Comment on Has HP printers always been this bad? 1 year ago:
Hi, I’m glad I came across this post! I have a super super old HP printer. They were the best. I have to say mine is at least 20 years old, pre-wireless. It’s recently had problems and I’m not sure I can fix it. I need a new printer.
I have heard of Brother printers but not always been one of the top printers - everyone likes Canon, HP, Epson.
I think I’ll look more into them because of the non-proprietary ink. The ink of these printers is sometimes more than getting a new printer itself. It does not make sense.
- Comment on British Museum is digitizing its entire collection in response to recent thefts | All of that scanning will cost over $12 million. 1 year ago:
$12 million - a bargain for digitizing the collection for eternity.
- Comment on What are good places to frequently check / 'be' on the internet besides lemmy / reddit / social media? 1 year ago:
How do you find groups you might like?
- Comment on Capcom President Thinks Game Prices Are 'Too Low' - IGN 1 year ago:
When the creator of Stardew Valley can charge $14 for his awesome game, and put it on multiple platforms and release updates for jo extra cost, and not charge subscription fees, and everyone can mod it and be happy, and the creator has made multimillions by now … Other companies need to take note.
From someone who worked at a company who wasted tons of money and had too many parties, excess staff and ceos who made excessive salaries, if these gaming companies are charging too much they need to look internally instead of asking their customers to fuel their greed.
- Comment on Amazon Is Using Your Conversations With Alexa to Train AI 1 year ago:
We always knew that. What they don’t tell you is your phone is also secretly listening. “Ok Google” <- turn that thing off too
- Comment on Which domain name registrar should I use? 1 year ago:
I’ve been with Namecheap so so many years. Highly recommended.
- Comment on Should I just quit urban and social life for a rural and lonely life? 1 year ago:
I also had a career in tech. I’m a woman. I’ve been stepped on, harassed, disrespected. I’m just a country girl who tried to fit in the big city. And I did for awhile. But then all the layoffs, and the last company I was at just keeled over from insufficient funding, while the ceos had a ton of money and we had all these luncheons and outside training weekends. So wasteful. Disillusioned, I didn’t want to go back.
I also wanted a farm. If you’re young and strong still, do it. I’m 60 now. We were unable to obtain that farm. I guess it was meant to be. I still hope for a super mini something - some chickens and a coupla goats or a mini cow or something. You get tired after 60 and try to downsize and reduce what you do to just what’s important.
Regarding no electricity etc - be realistic and balanced. Don’t make it hard on yourself. Go get your farm in the country, but do yourself and family a favor and have a proper bathroom, running water and electricity with internet. Nobody really likes pooping in those compost toilets or having to hand pump a well for water or garden 😀 and while you may think it’s okay if you’re strong and young believe me in 20 years which goes by fast you’ll be wanting decent plumbing and electric and will likely be grateful for some internet.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I have so many. Would you like some? 😀 Most of them I’ll never read again and I’d love to see them go to a good appreciative home. I’ve collected them since I was a child, since Star Trek books started coming out. I may have some of the late 60’s books but I definitely have a bunch from the 70’s. I don’t have all the collections, just random ones I was interested in getting. I stopped buying when I went to college. Then when DS9 came out, I started reading them again after the series finished. I need to see if there are more of the story continuation I don’t have. I would love to read those.
One I think about from time to time wasn’t a novel. It was memoirs about the conventions. I wanted to go to one desperately but I was just a kid. I never told my folks - they’d never take me to something like that. I always dreamed of one coming to my hometown. Then I went to school, and career, got married and had kids. My daughter liked Voyager. We lived in a major city locale and I took her to some conventions.
Then the unbelievable happened. A ST convention came to my hick hometown. My childhood dream come true - even though I no longer lived there. We went home, and met James Doohan, Michelle Nichols, and George Takei, and another actress (the one on the episode where they age rapidly, and she died). I never knew until I got older, she was on several Westerns and I wish I could have talked with her about those! She’s passed now.
Anyway that’s the only convention I ever think about, even though we attended a good many. That one in my boonies hometown was very special.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’m on today but was unable to get on many times. It says to change instances, but with no clue how to easily do that. I could not figure it out - so I just left it do its downtime thing until I could return.
Also, a lot of the posts are weird. Political. I don’t want to see that stuff and have blocked what I can but I’m still seeing the stuff!
When I go to specific forum topics I do want to read, there just aren’t many posts.
When I end up on the front page, some days it’s the same stuff I read hours before.
Some things need to change to make it more attractive to hang out here. Even us nerdy types are finding other places.
- Comment on Do Multivitamins actually do anything? 1 year ago:
I’m pretty sure multivitamins help me in one way - to help prevent me from catching colds and flus easily. I noticed this years ago when my kids were young. I would take one of the chewable kids vitamins daily through autumn and winter. Several winters I did not get sick. I’ve not done it since - every day, one kids vitamin. I switched to adult multis but I think they’re an expensive overload and didn’t seem to help. But chewable kids were too sugary for my teeth. Now they have the xylitol ones. I may try again this season.
- Comment on X, formerly Twitter, is now letting paid users hide their likes | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
This is becoming like the paid to win games. Whales take all.