Curfews rely on owners, not cats. 1 year ago
*cat owners
And I'm not sure how a curfew is going to work since that relies on cats to give one ounce of shit. 1 year ago 1 year ago
Partially. It also relies on the cat listening to the owner when they try to get them inside. Some cats will. "Like herding cats" has its meaning for a reason.
Pets in general shouldn't be allowed to roam freely outside. There's too many dangers to them and things they can do to cause problems. 1 year ago
If you can’t keep your cat inside on time, than keep it inside all the time. This is 100% on the owner, they have the capabilities to stop it. 1 year ago
Simple, cats that are outside past X o’clock get taken to the RSPCA and they’re put up for adoption after a week without being claimed. 1 year ago
Australian farmers have, unfortunately, had to find certain methods of enforcing curfews on cats. Keep 'em inside, folks.