Comment on Resin Printing is killing you. 1 year agoYou clearly have no idea what that even means.
When you cook food there are voletile organic componds. Almost everything you smell are voletile organic compounds. Parfums are voletile organic compounds
It doesn’t say shit about how bad something is for you. 1 year ago
And the difference being that those VOCs are not specifically isomers which are carrying polymers for additive manufacturing. Volatile meaning they are airborne, organic meaning that they’ve got carbon bonds which readily interact with other chemistry… 1 year ago
Basically everything that has a smell is a VOC. If it wouldn’t be volatile it wouldn’t have a smell. Something being volatile alone doesn’t say anything about it’s toxicity.
Something being organic also doesn’t say anything about toxicity. Your whole body is made out of carbon. Something being an organic compound doesn’t say anything about it’s reactivity either. That’s simply not how it works.
Something being a polymer also doesn’t say anything about it’s toxicity. Proteines are polymers. DNA is a polymer too and neither are particularly toxic. Polymer just means that’s its a structure that repeats itself. Poly = multiple, mer = parts.
Everything you said doesn’t say anything about toxicity. Toxicity depends on the individual compound. Even small alterations can make a harmless molecule toxic. 1 year ago
All VOCs are reactive. VOCs range from “Known Cancer causing effects” to Mildly harmful, but VOCs are considered harmful. At the ranges presented in the video, they are immediately harmful. If you wanna go huff your resin, you deserve what’s coming to you. I’ve talked to Resin chemists (mostly through the 2019-2020 Midwest RepRap Fests), and they agree with most of what’s in that video. 1 year ago 1 year ago
I had no idea reskin could cause serious injury with mere contact. Why is it so dangerous? 1 year ago
Resin typically has chemicals which are auto-immune sensitizers. The more often your immune system comes in contact with them, the more strongly it reacts. You could be one of the lucky ones, and have it contact you a hundred times and nothing happen too drastic other than dermatitis. Other people have gotten it on them a handful of times and are now highly sensitive to it (I’m one of those).